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My name is Reg Collingwood I am from British Columbia Canada. I was diagnosed with prostrate cancer 8 years ago and was initially told in the first diagnosis that I had short time to live and thus asked for second opinion. Hearing such news really shook me up but after another opinion I was placed on watchful waiting.

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My name is Mark from Canada, and I want to give you my story, and I think my story is very similar to yours in that you were diagnosed prostate problem, probably bad one like mine, and you had biopsy, and they gave your options from western doctors, which we all know have serious side effects and let us feel quite hopeless. Like me, you started to read, and you saw the 3D Urology site, and Dr. Song came out.

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My name is John White, and I live on the central coast of Australia. For about 25 years, I have had prostate problems and in the last 10 years, the urologists suggested I should have my prostate removed. I declined it as I really didn’t want to do that. Then I started to treat myself and whatever I can do sort of work and this limited work made it slow down. A

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Self-Introduction and disease history. Намайг Ундрах-Эрдэнэ гэдэг. 40 настай. Монголоос ирсэн анхны хүн байгаа юм. Түрүү бучлирхайн үрэвслээр олон жил асуудалтай явж ирсэн. Ялангуяа би сүүлийн 4 жилд зовиур хүндэрч, Монголынхоо Цэ-Пү, Очир анагаагч, Адам зэрэг олон эмнэлгүүдээр явсан боловч мөнгө төгрөг, цаг хугацаагаа алдахаас өөр ямарваа үр дүнд хүрээгүй юм. How did you get to know our treatment

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I highly recommend that you visit Dr. Lee if you are suffering from any prostate issue.  If you are hesitating to step out of your comfort zone and travel to China, then feel free to contact other patients as part of your due diligence.  Health is priceless, and a trip to China to cure a life-altering disease was the best decision that I’ve ever made.

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