
Seminal Vesiculitis

Seminal Vesiculitis

CVesiculitis is the inflammation of the seminal vesicles. The seminal vesicles and the prostate gland are anatomically neighbors. They are connected. By means of a prostate massage the grape-sized seminal vesicles can be touched over both sides of the prostate. The excretory tube of seminal vesicle and the end of vas deferens converge and form ejaculatory duct. This duct passes through the prostate into the urethra. Because of their anatomical relationship, prostatitis (prostate infection) is easily spread to the seminal vesicle, which causes vesiculitis. Seventy Percent of prostatitis cases involves vesiculitis. Once the seminal vesicles are infected, inflammatory secretions are silt easily to form blockage in many of the mucosal folds and turns. As a result, chronic vesiculitis occurs; cyst of seminal vesicle form, and calcification of seminal vesicle wall develop, etc.

The common pathogens of vesiculitis are similar to those of prostatitis. These pathogens include: bacteria, viruses, chlamydia, mycoplasma, and fungi, etc.


Hemospermia (blood in seminal fluid) is the main symptom of vesiculitis. Blood may appear during urination and ejaculation. The pain commonly associated with hemospermia occur in the abdomen and buttocks. This pain can radiate to the groin, waist and back, and the root of thigh. The pain symptoms can increase during or after ejaculation. Also, this condition can be accompanied by low libido, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and infertility, etc.

Routine examination of seminal fluid often indicate: decreased volume, increased viscosity, non-liquefaction, a large number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and positive semen pathogen cultures. When performing a digital rectal examination (DRE), seminal vesicle inflammation can be felt. The swelling is often accompanied with significant pain when pressing down on the glands. Through trans-rectal ultrasound, swollen seminal vesicles, rough seminal vesicle walls, seminal vesicle cysts, and calcification lesions of seminal vesicles can be found.

Conventional treatment methods (e.g., oral antibiotics, IV antibiotics, and intramuscular antibiotic injection) present difficultly in curing vesiculitis with these treatments showing a high failure rate.

In contrast, the 3D Targeted Treatment for vesiculitis has obtained a cure rate of greater than 95%. The 3D  Targeted Treatment for seminal vesicle infection consists of three elements: 1) A full set of laboratory tests to accurately diagnose pathogens and lesion sites; 2) Targeted transperineal injections directly into the infected seminal vesicle and lesion sites with the most effective antibiotics for complete killing of the pathogens; 3) Targeted transperineal injections directly into the seminal vesicle with unblocking medicines for removing blockage, calcification, cysts, and lesions. And, the discharging of toxins, blockage, and calcification substances.

2015-10-06 Admin