Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is a form of cancer that develops in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. Most prostate cancers are slow growing; however, there are also cases of aggressive prostate cancers. The cancer cells may metastasize (spread) from the prostate to other parts of the body, particularly the bones and lymph nodes. Prostate cancer may initially cause no symptoms, but in later stages can cause pain, difficulty in urinating, problems during sexual intercourse, erectile dysfunction, among other symptoms and ultimately, death.
The presence of prostate cancer may be indicated by symptoms, physical examination, prostate-specific antigen (PSA), digital rectal examination (DRE), trans-rectal ultrasound (TRUS), or MRI.
Traditional treatment generally involves surgery, various forms of radiation therapy, proton therapy or, less commonly, cryosurgery; hormonal therapy and chemotherapy are generally reserved for cases of advanced disease. In addition, the traditional treatment can cause many additional side effects, such as sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence, radiation enteritis, and so on.
3D Prostate Targeted Therapy has many superior features, not the least of which is its degree of non-invasiveness and the use of medicines which cause no side-effects. It is a superior, proven treatment protocol for prostate cancer.