
Prostatitis is Difficult to Cure

The prostate is a subsidiary gland organ in the male genitourinary system. It is adjacent to the seminal vessels, vas deferens, urethra, bladder and rectum. When one organ is infected others become infected. For example, prostatitis is always combined with seminal vesiculitis.

1) Anatomic Complexity: The prostate is located deep inside the pelvic floor. It is covered by a thin vascular fibrous sheath. Oral and IV antibiotics and medications cannot penetrate into the prostate through the prostatic envelope due to the lack of blood flow. Thus, the effect of oral antibiotics is not ideal. The prostate is a compound tubuloacinar gland composed of 30 to 50 small tiny tubes located in the periphery of the prostate. It has 15 to 30 tiny ducts, which open into the urethra at each side. The tubes of the prostate are winding, long, and the entrance is very small. Once infected, the structure cannot discharge secretions well. Blockages are easily formed and standard treatments become ineffective.

2) Pathological Complexity: Sexually transmitted pathogens can enter into the prostate through the urethra. Infections in other organs of the body can also affect the prostate by blood and through the lymphatic system. Also, excessive drinking, frequent sex that includes bad sexual habits, damage to the perineum, and chronic constipation can all cause prostatitis.

3) Complicated relationships between doctors and patients: Prostatitis is hard to treat effectively. There are many wrong (non-scientific) methods and ineffective medications. These methods and medications cannot solve the problem. They often make the patient’s condition worse and more difficult to treat.

4) Patient’s Own Factors: Once sick, patients often do not exercise to strengthen their body’s constitution. The disease weakens immunity resistance, and physical and mental strength. Patients often relapse regardless of regular and healthy lifestyles. And, irregular life styles, frequent unprotected sexual encounters with different partners, excessive drinking, and sit for long periods of time will make the condition worse. Patients with sexually transmitted prostatitis often only get treatment for themselves. If their partners are not examined or treated, they will always be re-infected by their partners. Some patients have suffered from their disease for a long time. They have psychological problems, which may lead to endocrine and vegetative nervous disorder. 

2015-10-06 Admin