3D Targeted Treatment

3D Prostate Targeted Treatment from 3D Urology and Prostate Clinics

How 3D Prostate Targeted Treatment Works

The effectiveness of the 3D Prostate Targeted Treatment is a result of four critical factors: (1) a full set of laboratory testing and examination procedures to determine the causative pathogens and various prostate lesions tissue sites, and to evaluate the level of your prostate disease; (2) a targeted injection lets the most effective treatment medicines directly into the lesion tissue sites to eliminate the causative pathogens and various prostate lesions, (3) a proprietary unblocking formula to clear blocked passageways and discharge toxic substances, and (4) an oral natural herbal tea that can develops various prostate health factors.

1) First Critical Factor - A full set of laboratory testing and examination procedures to determine the causative pathogens and various prostate lesions tissue sites.

The doctors at our Clinic take a number of samples for the causative pathogens and prostatic endotoxin testing, which include urethral secretions, prostate fluid, semen, and blood, etc. This sampling process, then combined with our extensive testing methods, allows us to accurately identify the causative pathogens.

The doctors rely on the digital rectal examination (DRE) and Trans rectal ultrasound (TRUS) to locate the lesions tissue sites in prostate, seminal vesicle, spermatic duct,epididymis,testicle, and pelvic cavity. These prostate lesions include infectious lesions, hyperplastic lesions, and cancerous lesions, etc.

2) Second Critical Factor - a targeted injection lets the most effective treatment medicines directly into the lesion tissue sites to eliminate the causative pathogens and various prostate lesions.

Most medicines do not penetrate into the prostate well and in high enough concentration (strength) to be successful by oral and / or systemic injection. And, as blockage from there is less blood flow to the lesions tissue sites, oral and/or systemic injection medications become even less effective. Also, oral and/or systemic injection medicines concentration levels are limited because of the harmful effects they have on the liver and other organs. However, our 3D Prostate Targeted Treatment injections are localized. This means injections are made directly into the prostate without injury to the prostate tissue. The medicines are directly injected into the lesions tissue sites in high concentrations. Since the injections are targeted, the penetration and concentration problems are solved without damage the liver and other organs in the body. Also, other targeted injection sites can be included, such as, the posterior urethra, seminal vesicles, vas deferens,and epididymis, etc. This results in the causative pathogens and prostate lesions being eliminated. And blocked material and the toxic substances are discharged through the patient’s urine and ejaculate.


However, our 3D targeted injection method requires specialized techniques. We have the experience and capability to do it properly without causing additional harm. It is very unlikely other doctors fully understand this technique and/or have as much experience as we do.  And, they most likely do not understand “unblocking” and the safe removal of “blockage” and “toxic substances”.

3) Third Critical Factor - A proprietary unblocking formula direct clear blockages, and discharge toxic substances.

The prostate is a compound tubuloacinar gland.The prostate gland has 30 to 50 acini. There are 16 to 32 tiny ducts opening in the posterior urethra. Once they are infected with pathogens, the structure cannot discharge inflammatory secretions well. Inflammatory secretions will form blockage over there, further calcification will be formed inside the blocked areas. Benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer will form hard nodules, these nodules will oppress the prostate tubes and surrounding tissues, causing prostate blockage. 3D Prostate Targeted Treatment is the best treatment method for prostate disease that already formed blockage and calcification. The targeted injection technique through pelvic gaps will send the treatment medicines and unblocking medicines into the core inside the blockage in high concentration, and the medicine effect lasts for quite long time. The treatment medicines can kill the causative pathogens and pathogenic cells directly, and the unblocking medicine will resolve the pathogenic tissue and toxic substances, unclog the tubes, clear the blockage, and the toxic substances which includes dead pathogens, toxin, inflammatory material, calcified material, and necrosis substances,will be discharged through urine.

As the 3D Prostate Targeted Treatment progresses, the discharged toxic substances in the urine can clearly be seen by the patient’s eyes, so the treatment effect is real. Normally patients start discharging toxic substances within 1-2 week’s of treatment, there are different shapes of toxic substances, like flocculent residue, cloud like residue, filamentous residue, powder residue, grainy residue, and so on. The improvement of the patients’ symptoms are closely related to the amount of toxic substances the patients release, the more toxic substances a patient release, and the faster his condition improves. Once all toxic substances are removed, the prostate symptoms usually improve significantly and totally disappear over time; the lesions areas return to normal and the prostate recovers.

See the photos below:


Note: To treat prostate disease , any treatment protocol that does not include discharges toxic substances “WILL RELAPSE OR FAIL.”

4) Fourth Critical Factor - An oral natural herbal tea that can develops your prostate health factors.

Prostate health is only a part of the overall health. In order for the prostate to fully recover, the causative conditions must be eliminated, and the prostate health conditions must be established. These health conditions include: immunity, endocrine function, sexual function, blood circulation, and mental health, etc. After eliminating the causative pathogens and various prostate lesions at the 3D clinic, and then, our doctor will provide you with an oral natural herbal tea that can develops your prostate health factors, so that you can continue to restore prostate health at home.

After your prostate causative conditions have been eradicated and prostate health conditions have been established, the prostate develops its own healing stages. The patient’s symptoms and general condition improve as the body heals itself over time. The prostate blood circulation and endocrine secretions tend to return to normal. Urination improves significantly, and pain disappears.

2015-09-18 Admin