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3D Prostate Targeted Treatment

3D Prostate Targeted Treatment is an advanced prostate natural therapy. Our proprietary 3D Prostate Targeted Treatment is superior to all other treatments currently available for the eradication of the causative pathogens and various prostate lesions rooted deep in the prostate, and for clearing prostatic endotoxin and blockage and calcification, and for curing prostate diseases with non-surgical methods. 

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3D Prostate Cancer Treatment

3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment is the Targeted injection treatment technique which is similar to Chinese acupuncture through using natural liposome carrier to directly transport a set of natural herbal extracts with anti-cancerous effect that is able to kill cancerous cells to the core location of cancerous lesions.

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3D Enlarged Prostate Treatment

3D Prostate Targeted Treatment can successfully treat various types of enlarged prostate. Our treatment consists of several steps.

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3D Prostatitis Treatment

Our proprietary 3D Prostatitis Treatment is superior to all other treatments currently available for the eradication of pathogens rooted deep in the genitourinary system, and for clearing 

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Prostate Complications Treatment

3D Prostate Targeted Treatment can kill pathogens, clear blockage and toxic substances, eliminate various prostate lesions, and to completely treat various types of prostate complications.

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Prostate Blockage and Calcification

Prostatic Blockage and calcification are indications of unhealthy genitourinary systems, include prostate blockage and calcification,seminal vesicle blockage and calcification, epididymis blockage and calcification, and chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS), etc. The causative pathogens and pathogenic cells and prostatic endotoxin hide in the blocked areas, and they are difficult to detect. Blockage and calcification can cause severe genitourinary pain and discomfort, prostate disease and complications.

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3D Treatment for Virus Infection

Our effective rate in treating these viruses is over 90%.

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A Full Set of Testing & Examination

A full set of lab testing and examination determine the causative pathogens and various prostate lesions tissue sites.

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