
3D Prostatitis Cure Clinical Case

3D Prostatitis Cure Clinical Cases

From a pathological change aspect, prostatitis can be divided into three phases

(1) prostate infection; (2) enlarged prostate ; (3) prostate blockage and calcification

From a causative pathogen aspect, prostatitis can be divided into three types

(1) bacterial prostatitis infection (staphylococcus aureus, proteus, and enterococcus infections, etc.), (2) nonbacterial prostatitis infection (fungus, Chlamydia, mycoplasma, and virus infections, etc.), and (3) mixed prostate infection.

For example, a patient suffering from a prostate infection can have both bacterial prostatitis and nonbacterial prostatitis. He can have an infected prostate, urethra, bladder, seminal vesicles, epididymis, and systemic (whole body) infections. Prostate blockage can be soft (inflammatory substances), hard (calcified material), and a combination of the two. Also, prostate blockages can often occur in several places. If a patient has long history of prostate disease, complicated infections, and extensive prostate blockages and calcification he may need to return for additional 3D Prostatitis Treatment.

Because of the prostate blockages and calcification, standard oral and/or IV antibiotic treatments offered in developed and undeveloped countries are not effective. As a result of overuse and misuse of oral and/or IV antibiotics, many foreign and domestic patients experience failed prostatitis treatment and systemic complications. For example Dr. Aldo, a patient from US, was suffering from prostatitis for many years. He was seen and treated by several urologists who prescribed different oral and IV antibiotics. His condition worsened during 5 years of antibiotic treatment. The urologists in America could not solve the problem. Introduce by his friend from India, Dr. Aldo came to China for 3D Prostatitis Treatment. Upon testing him, seven pathogens were found in his genitourinary system. After two rounds of 3D Prostatitis Treatment he was cured. Dr. Aldo was of course very grateful that Dr. Song cured him.

Clinical Cure Typical Cases

Type 1 - Simple Infection

Patient: Jeffrey

Prostatitis Symptoms: Frequent and urgent urination, urethritis, weak urine stream for one year.

Other previous Prostatits Treatment: He received oral antibiotic treatment without success.

Our 3D Laboratory Testing: Positive for Chlamydia.

Ultrasound Examination: a slight prostate blockage and calcification.

First round of 3D Prostatitis Treatment: After 25 days of treatment the Chlamydia test turned negative and all of his symptoms disappeared.

Type 2 - Complicated Infection

Patient: Hung

Prostatitis Symptoms: Pain in testicles, epididymitis, perineum pain, and pain in the lower back for approximately two years.

Other Previous Prostatitis Treatment: He received oral antibiotic treatment without success.

Our 3D Laboratory Testing: Positive for staphylococcus aureus, corynebacterium, fungus, Chlamydia, and Coxsackie virus.

Ultrasound Examination: a slight prostate blockage and calcification.

First round of 3D Prostatitis Treatment: After 27 days of local injections combined with 15 days of IV for virus and fungus, all his lab tests results were negative, and his symptoms disappeared.

Type 3 - Infection, Blockage and Calcification

Patient: Hathal

Prostatitis Symptoms: Frequent and urgent urination, urethritis,weak urine stream, pain in perineum area, pain in rectal area, testicle pain, epididymitis, pain in groin area, painful ejaculation, low sexual drive, and poor erection for 10 years.

Other Previous Prostatitis Treatment: He received oral antibiotic and herbal medicine treatments without success.

Our 3D Laboratory Testing: Staphylococcus aureus, corynebacterium, chlamydia, and fungus.

Ultrasound Examination: a moderate degree of prostate blockages and calcification.

First round of 3D Prostatitis Treatment: After 40 days of treatment all the pathogen tests turned negative. When he was rechecked by ultrasound his prostate blockage and prostate calcification were clear. All his symptoms disappeared.

Type 4—Serious Blockage and Calcification

Patient: David

Prostatitis Symptoms: frequent urination, urethritis, weak urine stream, pain in perineum area, testicle pain, epididymitis, infertility, and loss of energy for 6 years.

Other Previous Prostatitis Treatment: prolonged use of several kinds of antibiotics without success.

Our 3D Laboratory Testing: Corynebacterium, Chlamydia3, and mycoplasma.

Ultrasound Examination: a severe degree of prostate blockage and calcification, and seminal vesiculitis.

First round of 3D Prostatitis Treatment: after 30 days of treatment, all the pathogen tests turned to negative, prostate calcification reduced, sperm quality returned to normal (fertile), and symptoms greatly improved.

Second round of 3D Prostate Treatment: after 30 days of treatment, he discharged larger quantities of calcified particles.

After the second treatment, the patient finally gained a complete cure.

Type 5 - Mixed Infection

Patient: Michael, male 45 years old.

Michael was suffering from acute urethritis and purulent urethra discharge since 1995. He had been diagnosed with gonorrhea, mycoplasma, and Chlamydia and was treated with IV antibiotics (Ceftriaxon, levofloxacin) and other oral antibiotics. Most of his prostatitis symptoms disappeared after his oral antibiotic treatment. However, 6 months later he noticed that his sexual function significantly decreased. He felt tired all the time and white spots appeared on his foreskin. He was diagnosed with insufficiency of kidney by TCM doctors. He took larger quantities of aphrodisiac drugs with no effect. He was diagnosed by doctors in the local hospital as having chronic prostatitis. He then tried many Western medicines, such as, oral antibiotics (Dabaidu, Qianlieshutong, Azithromycin), and Prostat, etc., and Chinese herbal medicine with no improvement. He started receiving 3D Prostatitis Treatment in 2006. Our laboratory test tests before treatment indicated: EPS-WBC (++++), Lecithic (+), and positive for Corynebacteriun, Ureplasma Urealyticun, and Chlamydia. After 20 days of 3D treatment he started to feel better; he felt more energy and his sexual function improved. After 30 days of 3D treatment he was retested. The test results indicated EPS-WBC (++), Lecithin (++), positive for staphylococcus epidermidis, and negative for ureaplasma and Chlamydia. We then discounted his treatment for one month. Afterwards he returned for a 2nd round of 3D Prostatitis Treatment. After 15 days of 3D Prostatitis Treatment all his symptoms disappeared and his prostate returned to normal. His partner had treatment at this time as well. Three months after 3D Prostatitis Treatment, he was rechecked for pathogens and all were negative. After 6 months his sexual function returned to normal. He experienced no relapse.

Type 6 - Drug Resistant

Patient: Thomas, male, 30 years old.

Thomas contracted Mycoplasma and prostatitis in 2001. His prostatitis symptoms were burning sensation in his urethra, discomfort in his area, and divergent abdominal pain. He had IV antibiotics (Ceftriaxone, Azithromycin, and Ofloxacin), and took oral antibiotics, but all failed. He switched to Chinese herbal medicine for three months with no success. Several times he tested positive for Ureaplasma, Urealyticun and Staphylocuccus in local hospitals. The Ureaplasma was resistant to more than 10 different antibiotics, such as, Erythromycin, Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Roxithromycin, Minocycline, and Azithromycin, etc. We believe the resistance developed as a result of IV antibiotics. He started 3D Prostatitis Treatment in 2009. Before receiving our 3D Prostatitis Treatment, we checked his semen and most of his sperm were dead; he suffered from infertility. We concluded he had prostatitis and seminal vesiculitis. After 30 days of 3D treatment, all his lab test results were normal; the ureaplasma test turned to negative. Three months after discontinuing our 3D prostatitis treatment, all his symptoms disappeared completely and he was fertile.

Type 7 - Inappropriate past Treatment

Patient: Matthew, male, 34 years old.

Matthew had a sexual function disorder, pain in his lower back, pain in the urethra and pain in the epididymis area for approximately 10 years. He was diagnosed with chronic prostatitis at his hospital. The medications he tried included Prostat, Urispas and Ofloxacin; none were effective. He then tried taking aphrodisiac drugs for 8 months, his symptoms worsened. He received our 3D Prostatitis Treatment in 1999. When we checked his prostate, he had severe pain during the prostate massage (DRE). Under the microscope his EPS showed extensive White Blood Cells and Red Blood Cells. Our tests revealed Staphylococcus aureus and HSV1. We gave him systemic 3D Prostatitis Treatment for 30 days. Afterwards his prostate fluid was normal and the Staphylocuccus aureus turned negative. His prostatitis symptoms disappeared completely in 4 months. He is now married and has successfully fathered several children, a testament to our 3D Prostatitis treatment.

Type 8 - Inappropriate past Diagnosis

Patient: Julian, male, 32 years old.

Julian had itching and pain in his urethra (urethritis), pain in his groin area and discomfort in his testicle area (epididymitis) for about 10 years. He was inappropriately diagnosed with varicocele at his local hospital. He was diagnosed with prostatitis later. He took many anti-inflammatory drugs, but his symptoms worsened. He then switched to Chinese herbal medicine without good results. He came to our clinic and received 3D Urological Treatment in March 2001. After testing we found that he was positive for mycoplasma, Chlamydia, HSV2, he had an enlarged prostate, which was swollen and hard and most of his sperm were dead; he was infertile. He started our 3D Prostatits Treatment in April 2001. After 20 days of 3D Prostatitis Treatment most of his symptoms disappeared. His prostate became smaller and soft. And his healthy sperm rate increased to approximately 98% and he became fertile again.

Type 9 – Excessive Treatment

Patient: Alexander, male, 26 years old.

Alexander had reoccurring urethritis, epididymitis, and an upper respiratory system infection for years. He tried many different types of treatments, such as, over 150 bottles of Ceftriaxone, over 100 bottles of Ofloxacin, and 14 types of physical therapy in 6 months. He started our 3D Urology and Prostatitis Treatment in June 2001. During testing we initially could not obtain prostate fluid from him because he developed a prostate secretion disorder. We tested his semen and found he was positive for Staphylocuccus Aureus and Mycoplasma Hominis. He was also positive for Cytomeglovirus. All his sperm were dead; he suffered from infertility. After 20 days of systemic 3D Urology and 3D Prostatitis Treatment, he began to produce prostate fluid. His EPS indicated WBC (0-2), Lecithin(++++), and over 90% of his sperm were alive; he became fertile again. He began to eat and sleep much better and his energy significantly improved.

Type 10 - Lucky Patient

Patient: Nikola, Male, 36 years old.

Nikola had urethra pain and itching, right epididymis pain, discomfort in his abdomen and anus in 2000. He was diagnosed with prostatitis in the hospital. The medications he took were Azithromycin, Roxithromycin, Urispas, and Qianliekang (antispasmodic); they did not work. After 3 months his sexual function decreased. Introduced to us by his friend, he came to Changsha, China to receive our 3D Urology and 3D Prostatitis Treatment. He tested positive for Chlamydia and Candida Albicans. After 20 days of 3D Urology and 3D Prostatitis Treatment all his symptoms disappeared. Upon our recommendation he continued the treatment for an additional 10 days to assure his successful results. Afterwards, all his test results were normal. His partner also received our 3D Urology and 3D Prostatitis Treatment at the same time. He is still fine and doing well now. 


2015-10-06 Admin